Saturday, September 10, 2005

Why Is Arizona Beach In Oregon?

Arizona Beach is a privately owned campground located between Gold Beach and Port Orford on the Oregon coast. Arizona Beach in Oregon? It is so named because in the old days there was a stagecoach stop here named the Arizona Inn, but that does not explain Arizona in Oregon.

We have passed by this place many times. This trip we decided to stop and spend a few days. As you can see it is a beautiful campground that is about is close as you can get to the ocean.


The owners have been trying to sell the property for some time but without success. Meanwhile maintenance seems to have been let slide a bit but it is being kept clean. The biggest problem at the moment is that the dump station is closed. That is apparently not out of neglect however. We are told that the one at nearby Humbug State Park is also closed, both reportedly because of environmental problems. The nearest working dump facility is 17 miles south at the port of Gold Beach. There is a "honey wagon? that comes around two or three times a week that will pump out the tanks for $12.

We are enjoying our stay here. It rained all day today but the weather man says tomorrow will be nicer. We will hang out here for a few more days then head home to get ready for our next adventure - the great Albuquerque Ballon Festival in New Mexico.